Artist Natalia Kapchuk gave her first sit-down interview since the successful debut of her first solo exhibition, The Lost Planet, with the host of The Alex Salmond Show, former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, presented by the Russian international television network, Russia Today (RT).
The dialogue took place over teleconference, as Natalia is currently in Dubai for Expo2020, where she will be presenting artworks for the Antigua and Barbuda Pavilion. In the interview, Kapchuk gets candid with the RT host, discussing a range of topics spanning from the inspiration behind her latest project, the adjoining panel discussion which featured notable experts and organization leaders, to what is next for The Lost Planet series.
During the interview, Kapchuk speaks to the panel discussion she hosted with the powerfully striking title, “Is This Planet Earth’s Dying Century,” stating:
“…I wanted to maximize the impact of my message regarding the climate, especially because art is such a powerful tool to express hard-held views and emotions, so I organized a panel discussion press breakfast with key media and representatives…”
she goes on to say,
“The topic was broad enough to discuss many issues the planets is facing at the moment, and also [the panel discussion] was held on the eve of COP 26, which I think was perfect timing.”
Click the link above to watch the full interview with Alex Salmond and RT.